~ The place to share my Ups and Downs, Mixed-up feelings. Unforgettable experiences, Sweet memories ~
s t e P s ~

- LCharmaine
- Damansara, Selangor, Malaysia
- "Before I formed you in the womb I knew" you, before you were born I set you apart; ..... ( Jeremiah 1:5 ) I'm just an ordinary girl bt is special in God's eyes!!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Wait - Jaeson Ma
To meet God we must constantly climb higher, in order to hear his voice we must wait more.
Solitude is not being alone, solitude is being alone with God.
Silence is not about not speaking, silence is about listening to God.
Solitude and Silence are the context within which prayer is practiced.
What God's really looking for from you is a heart filled with faith, gratitude and expectation!!
nothing is impossible
- when someone tells you that you cant do something
- don't doubt yourself
- instead stretch yourself
- you've gotta stick your neck out and go for your best.
- use all your will power and positive attitude.
- NEVER, NEVER give up!!!!
- At the end, you'll succeed and prove them wrong.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
God’s working through the circumstances in your life to create an incredible moment of progress and promotion
Friday, July 23, 2010
Be Devoted - Joel Osteen
What are you devoted to in your life? Being devoted to something is simply being loyal by giving of your time, affection and resources. Many people today are devoted to certain restaurants, television programs and even their cell phones! There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but we have to examine our own hearts and see if we are being devoted to the people God has placed in our lives. Are we honoring others above ourselves? The world’s system says to “look out for number one—yourself,” but God’s system says “look out for others, and I will look out for you.”
Today, as you examine your own heart and life, ask the Lord to show you ways that you can honor others. One way is by simply being faithful to your word. Be a person of integrity and honor. As you live your life devoted to one another and honoring others, you are actually honoring God. He will repay you for your kindness and reward you in this life and in eternity!
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, teach me to be a person of honor. Teach me to be devoted to others the way You desire. Fill me with Your love which is all that matters in eternity. I bless You and thank You for Your goodness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
How God changed Sammi's life =)鄭秀文 義無反顧
但是,上帝親自尋找失喪者,聖經這句話在鄭秀文身上奇異發生了,鄭秀文見證說:「到非常嚴重的時候,常有聲音在對我說:『能救妳的不是醫生,而是我,妳祈禱吧!』那是很強很強的聲音,要我跪下祈禱。」十幾歲時跟著姊姊去過教會,做過決志禱告的她,繞了一大圈,「後來我算命拜拜什麼都幹,沒想到生命跌到谷底時,是上帝拯救我。」 人的盡頭是神的起頭,鄭秀文說:「當時我的禱告很崩潰,無路可走,神是唯一能依靠的,我把一切都交給祂。祈禱帶給我情緒很大的安慰釋放,我心裡很多負面感受都透過祈禱得到醫治,一步步看見上帝的帶領!」
如今,鄭秀文堅定地說:「到現在我有了完全不同的人生,我願意公開說:上帝拯救了我!」 為了走出低潮,鄭秀文勇敢向上帝求:「給我勇氣再度面對人群,我希望做一場演唱會。」經過三年的憂鬱,鄭秀文開了一場復出演唱會,那天起床她感觸很深,靜靜寫了封信給自己,句句肺腑之言,演唱會中她公開讀出,許多觀眾被感動,她記得最後她對自己說:「最重要的是,Sammi,妳的勇氣回來了。」說到這裡,鄭秀文哽咽。
那三年的憂鬱,不但讓鄭秀文經歷上帝的愛,她也感受了人的關懷,比方說當時姊姊、弟弟默默地關心她,表面上沒讓她看見他們的擔心,常常通電話討論她的狀況,她感念於心。檢討到自己過去自私、脾氣差,還自命「直爽」,聖經使她明白愛是「不自誇、不張狂」,她懂了: 「自私的人是不會開心的,但通過這三年,上帝給我很多磨練,我很多缺點都磨掉了。現在我還是有很多不好的地方,但是我願意順服。我非常珍惜跟人的關係,這種喜樂很重要。」
沒想到福音專輯在香港一發行,銷量立即直衝而上,她把全部版稅捐出去,幫助了很多慈善機構,果然如她說 :「你越不去擔心,動機越純淨,上帝幫助越大。」
用生命為上帝作見證,鄭秀文說自己「義無反顧」,「我義無反顧出了一本書,開宗明義就說義無反顧非寫不可。寫這本書很掙扎,跟查經班姐妹說我很痛苦,不想寫、不想打開自己,那得要公開自己最不好的地方,人家只要打我一拳我就無力抵抗了……我一直掙扎,還是順服了。該怎麼寫,我經過很多禱告。」 為福音願意失喪生命的,必得著生命,順服神寫完這本書,鄭秀文得到一種療癒感,她發現,當她可以坦然當做歷史攤開,憂鬱症是真正畫下句點了。
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
to fulfill God's perfect design for me requires my total surrender- complete abandonment of myself to Him.-Oswald Chambers.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Rick Warren
2.You must let go of something you’ve got, to move to something you’ve not.
3. Do what God CALLS u to do with your life & you'll succeed. Do what u think will prove your worth & you'll fail miserably.
The great reward - Joel osteen
What are you believing God for today? Promotion? Healing? Stronger relationships? Freedom from addiction? God has promised all these things to you in His Word. He wants you to live in blessing and wholeness all the days of your life. But in order to experience His promises, we have to do our part. We have to keep believing and trusting in Him. That’s what today’s verse is saying: if we will stay in faith, if we will keep believing, keep hoping, keep doing the right thing, God promises there will be a reward. I like how one translation puts it, “Don’t get discouraged. Payday is coming!”
When you’re tempted to get down, when things aren’t going your way, just say to yourself, “This may be hard. It may be taking a long time, but I know God is a faithful God. I’m going to keep believing because my reward is coming.”
Friend, as you trust Him and stand in faith, as you boldly declare His promises, you are positioning yourself to receive His blessing. No matter what your circumstances look like, remember payday is on its way—and you will experience the blessing and reward He’s promised all the days of your life!
Prayer for Today: Father in heaven, thank You for Your good and precious promises. I choose to trust that my reward is coming. I choose to follow Your commands because they lead to blessing and life. Give me a heart that is fixed on You and fill me with Your peace. I patiently wait on You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Job =)
Rick Warren said : God gave NO answer to Job's pain for 39 CHAPTERS!Only silence! Trials test my faith by not knowing how far I am from Ch40!
God uses PAIN to Inspect us,Correct us,Direct us
& Perfect us. "They meant it for bad but God meant it for good!"'
Dissapointment - stepping stones to your destiny by Joel Osteen
A while back I heard the story of Vonetta Flowers. From the time she was a little girl, her dream was to compete in the Olympic Games. She was always an incredibly fast runner. At nine years old, not only could she beat all the other girls in her elementary school, but she could beat all the boys as well. A coach noticed her talent. All through junior high and high school she trained, competed, and won competition after competition. By the age of 22, she was a world-class athlete ready to try out for the Olympics. She competed in the 100-meter dash and the long jump, but she missed making the team by a mere fraction of a second. Instead of giving up, she decided to put in four more years of grueling training, waking up early, running, lifting weights, working out, and eating properly.
In the year 2000, her big moment came. She was 26 years old and in the best shape of her life. She tried out for the long jump. She knew this would be her last chance to make the Olympic team. But in spite of her training and all of her talent, she still didn't make the team. She was devastated. It looked as if 17 years of training had gone down the drain. Every voice in her head said, "It's over. You must have heard God wrong because it's definitely not going to happen now."
One day, her husband saw a sign in the gym that said, "Continue your Olympic dream by trying out for the bobsled team." There were two requirements. You had to be a good sprinter and a good long jumper—the very things that she had been working on for over 17 years. She didn't even know what the bobsled was, but her husband talked her into trying out. Not only did she make the Olympic team, but in 2002, she became the first African-American woman ever to win a Gold Medal in the Winter Olympics.
Friends, God is faithful to the promises He's placed within your heart. When disappointments come, we need to remember that He is still directing our steps. The disappointments are merely stepping stones to your destiny. Nothing is ever wasted in your life if you'll keep moving forward. Keep praying, keep believing, keep hoping because He is leading you into the destiny He has in store for you!
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way (Psalm 37:23, NKJ).
16/7/2010 -part 2
16/7/2010 -part 2
Encourage yourself in the Lord - Victoria osteen
Do you know how valuable you are in the eyes of God? Anytime we lose sight of our value, we tend to start turning to other people for approval and validation—a parent, boss, or loved one. While we all need encouragement and should receive it from the people around us, we can't let that be our sole source of validation. We have to know that because God validates us, we can validate ourselves. We can't live our lives waiting for the people around us to applaud us; sometimes we have to applaud ourselves. During those times when life seems to be dragging you down, instead of looking to others to encourage you, make the decision to encourage and believe in yourself.
I was at the gym one day on the treadmill speaking with a woman who had just been diagnosed with cancer. She had asked me to pray for her and I said, "Yes, I will pray for you, but I have to tell you something first." I looked her straight in the eyes, and said, "You know, you ought to be so proud of yourself. Look at you! You got up today and came to the gym. You could have pulled the covers over your head and stayed in bed, but you didn't. Instead, you are facing this with great hope and faith. I admire you and you should applaud yourself."
When this woman was reminded of her strength and tenacity, her whole face lit up, she had a great big smile and held her shoulders back. She recognized the importance of affirming herself and giving herself the proper credit.
If we are going to live in victory, our main encouragement has to come from the inside stemming from the affirmation God has given us. Don't be afraid to applaud yourself today. You may be going through some difficult situations, but you have strength to make it through. Encourage yourself, applaud yourself and learn to tap into the abundant strength within you.
…David encouraged himself in the LORD his God (I Samuel 30:6, NKJ).
dont fall for the trap - victoria osteen
Have you ever heard about how hunters used to trap monkeys? The hunter would fill a large barrel with bananas and then cut a small hole in the side of it that was just barely big enough for the monkey to get his hand and arm through. The monkey, completely unaware of the trap, would reach his arm into the barrel and grab one of those bananas. But when he would try to pull his arm out, he wouldn't be able to get his clenched fist and the banana back through the hole. The monkey wanted that banana so badly that he wouldn't release it. Consequently, the hunter would easily capture the monkey. It's interesting that at any point prior to the capture, the monkey could have easily let go of the banana and pulled his hand out of the barrel, but he was so focused on what was in his hand that he didn't even realize he was in a trap!
Many people live like that today—with both hands clenched, so focused on trying to hold on to what they have that they don't even realize that it is robbing them of the freedom and victory God has in store. Don't let that be you! Choose to release anything that's keeping you from God's best in your life. Don't get trapped because you aren't willing to change or reposition yourself or your thinking.
Remember, faith is a process. God leads us one step at a time. He will always put inside of you whatever you need to move forward. If you need strength, it's on the inside of you. If you need hope, it's on the inside of you. If you need joy, determination or encouragement, God has placed it within you. So tap into your God-given resources by faith because He will never ask you to do something that He hasn't already prepared you to do. Be open-handed and open-minded to what God is doing in your life today.
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past (Isaiah 43:18, NIV).
Now is the time-JoelOsteen
This article is written by Joel Osteen
Let me ask you, if you went to heaven tomorrow, is there something that the world would be missing out on? In other words, do you have a gift that you're not sharing with the world? Are there things in your heart that you're not pursuing because you're afraid? Or you think you're too old, too busy, or don't have what it takes? Well, now is the time to get out of your comfort zone and pursue what God has placed on the inside of you!
This is what the disciple Peter did. When he saw Jesus walking on the water he said, "Lord, let me do that." You can imagine that there were a thousand voices saying, "Peter, are you crazy? You can't walk on water." It's the same voice that says today, "You can't start your own business. You can't be in management. You can't write that book. You're going to get out there and sink." Peter may have heard that still, small voice whispering, "Peter, you still should. God is in control. You're well able. You've got what it takes." And Peter got out of the boat and literally walked on the water.
What "boat" do you need to get out of today? What comfort zone is holding you back from experiencing all that God has placed in your heart? Friend, life is very short. Make sure you're sharing your gift with the world. If you're not passionate about what you are doing or passionate about your career, then you need to consider making changes. We're all going to have some mundane days, but if you're going year after year not enjoying your career, not fulfilled, not satisfied, maybe your main gift is lying dormant. Remember, your gifting is a part of your purpose. No matter how successful you are, if you're not fulfilling your purpose, you will feel that sense of dissatisfaction. Don't waste another day because now is the time to press forward and fulfill what God has placed within you!
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:15-16, NIV).
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Start from now...=)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
It's Your Time- Joel Osteen
God has planted seeds of greatness on the inside of you. He has predestined that those things in your heart come to pass. You may have had more than your share of unfair things happen in your life. You probably have plenty of reasons to just settle where you are. But understand, the depth of your past is an indication of the height of your future. In other words, if you’ve been through a lot of negative things in the past, it just means that your future is bigger and brighter and greater than you can even imagine. It’s your time to step out and embrace all that God has for you!
Are there dreams and promises that you’ve let go of? Are there things that God has placed in your heart that you’ve given up on? Today is the day to give your dreams a new beginning. Today is the day to allow faith to rise in your heart. Remember, what’s happened to you is not nearly as important as what’s happened in you. Today, you are stronger and wiser than ever before. It’s your time and your season to move forward into the destiny that God has prepared for you!
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank You for the destiny that You have deposited into my heart. I choose to stand in faith knowing that You are working behind the scenes. Give me strength and wisdom to follow Your leading so that I can embrace all that You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Higher - JoelOsteen
Everyone goes through seasons of difficulty. We all face challenges and trials. Scripture tells us that in this world we will have trouble, but we can be encouraged today because He has overcome the world and disarmed it of the power to harm us! Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world. His ways are higher than our ways, and He has promised to deliver us!
So many times, people feel stuck in their circumstances because they are looking at them from a natural perspective. This natural perspective is limited. It’s small. It’s only a fraction of what’s really going on. But, if we’ll rise up to a higher level, we will see things the way God sees them. We’ll understand His purposes and see the way to victory!
Today, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, Jesus is the rock who is high above your circumstances. When you call on Him, He will be with you. He will lead you and guide you into the higher places He has prepared for you!
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, today I release every care and concern to You. Have Your way in my circumstances. Have Your way in my thoughts. Help me, Jesus, to come up higher in every area of my life with You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Blameless - Joel Osteen
Are you looking for God to move in your life today? The Bible says that God is actually looking to show Himself strong in the Earth. He is looking for those who have a blameless heart toward Him.
When you open your heart to Jesus, and ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you by His blood, He gives you a blameless heart—then you are the person the Lord is looking to work through! When you understand the fact that God longs to work in your life, your faith will increase. Your hope will increase. And God’s work in your life will increase! Have confidence in this scripture today. Begin to thank God for giving you a clean and blameless heart. Thank Him for choosing to work in you.
As you thank and praise Him, expect Him to act! Expect to see Him move mightily on your behalf in every area of your life!
Prayer for Today:Heavenly Father, thank You for the blood of Jesus which cleanses my sins and gives me a blameless heart. Search my heart today and remove anything that isn’t pleasing to You. I open my heart and invite You to work in every area of my life. I bless You and thank You for Your faithfulness, In Jesus Name. Amen.
Every time your faith is put on trial, your character is placed on the witness stand.
Effective leaders learn to tell engaging stories with a purpose and an action step.
when life gives you lemon, make apple juice out of it and leave everyone wondering how in the world you did it.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Michelle Hamiltion
“By not relying on anyone else except God, I’d learned the limit of my own strength. In these last three days I’d learned more about myself than if i’d spent another sixty years soul searching. My essential self had been opened to me like a book, laying bare all the truths, however painful they may have been for me to face.”
“Life and death are predestined by God. There’s no such thing as an accident or being lucky; it was what God decided for us a long time ago.”